Okhayyy... So there were like a 100 ways i wished to start this post with but why spoil the suspense. Finally settled to take you guys through the whole chain of events pre-n-post this movie, oh and not to forget through the movie itself.
So after much fightin, debating, pleading and wot not I finally gave in to My guy's decision of watching DRONA over KIDNAP. His starts were too good cos we actually got the tickets, first day last show. Not bad. Seats were good too.. not the corner ones. We prefer to leave 'em to the more coochie-coo couples and prefer a better view from the center seats. Everything was perfect but for one thing... WE WERE SOON TO REGRET OUR DECISION.
The Movie.. dunno how to vent my frustration. Okay lets get started...
Both of us, and i suspect even the people around us, were totally clueless bout wot was goin on atleast through the first half an hour. And
ABHISHEK BACHCHAN looked equally clueless throughout the movie. Seemed as if he was forced to do the movie and in retaliation went all woody. Another guess for his puppy-faced expression through the movie was- He's forgotten how to act after the long drought period and thought it to be too much of a hard work to make any attempts at remembering.
Priyanka Chopra could be the only saving grace of the movie, delivering a decent performance and more manly stunts than Abhishek. Looking hot and sultry in brocade jackets in which she was expected to do a-la matrix (who wears them anyway), she was more tolerable except when she insisted on narrating her BAUJI tales.
Kay Kay Menon- He's a maverick and super talented and only he could do such a role as his. Infact he's actually good to a great extent but after a while his whole over acting drama and GUSTAAKHI MAAPH routine becomes repetitive and GOTMYNs (Gets on to my nerves) bigtime.
Shilka Kant - Totally pissed to have been made to watch it. Laughing and cribbing at the same time, as her boyfriend apologizes in different ways. Poor guy, he tries so hard to crack lame jokes about equally lame movie and make it a tad bit interesting. Oh he also gets popcorn and nachos that she totally digs.
So, in nutshell....
- The story reminds me of those hindi comics I used to read as a child & was total drag.
- The graphics are okayish by world standards. They could have made it much better. I mean the movie 10,000 B.C. was also such a sad affair but atleast the graphics were awe inspiring.
- The songs were most misplaced I've ever seen in a movie. You just escaped death, you sing. You just met your son, you sing.
- The acting... Someone wake up Abhishek .
- Don't even get me started on the music and dance and the extras and the background score and the costumes and........
Watch at your own risk.
P.S. I beg some of you guys to differ from my opinion, because however much I hate Ash, being a woman I wouldn't want another woman to be labelled a jinx. Abhishek Bachchan still has a thriving career.